Monday, November 14, 2011


Whatever God does is certainly redecided in advance by him and so I landed up as a shipping graduate student according to his will. i can  certainly be assured that he has something in store quite marvelous and gigantic for me to be digged out from this sector although i don't have any godfather in this field. whilst i  can utilize his blessings to prove most faithful and loyal attitude of mine mettle..

the first question which was trigged out in the class during the first semester was "WHY A SHIP IS CALLED "SHE"??

I found out the answer which are the following for the ship to be called "she"......

* There is always a great deal of bustle around her
* there is usually a gang of men about
* She has a waist and stays
* It takes a lot of paint to keep her good looking
* She shows her topsides and hides her bottom
* She can be all decked out
* It takes an experienced man to handle her correctly
* And without a man at the helm, she is absolutely un- controllable.
* It takes a lot of Paint to keep her Good - Looking.
* And the main reason....It's not the initial expense that breaks you, It's the upkeep!!!
* When coming into port, always heads for the buoys

Sorry my dear blog i hve to rush to college ... Catch u later afterwards....!!!

1 comment:

  1. ur answer to ur ship as was simply mindblowing.i mean to say that i personally felt that u were up to the mark in ur views regarding ship
