Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Dear blog,

It has been a long time aback that I didn’t embark on any footprints on ur soul…”My dEAR bLOg”. first of all sorry for being aloof from your gigantic charisma… but as the human nature always comprehends about the shortage of time and so do I.
Nevertheless let me hop on to the real facets of my life which I explored during this phase of being aloof and cut from u. I have great memories to reveals well as cherish upon  and an ardent desire to unleash those sweet and sour moments of my life which I would certainly like to unfold through my life….!!!

Well !!!! wait for a minute…..my mind is creeping somewhere else so let’s have a first GLANCE of thoughtful impressions which I read during this moment of blogging….its something called “NOSTALGIA”
As u all are well acquainted with the fact that nostalgia concerns with homesickness… but here the author has  something  so marvelous in store for us that I cannot refrain from sharing… I m bound to do that…!!
Nevertheless I will dive deeper into the real sense of the term “N O S T A L G I A”.  So just a bit of patience dude..i will surely make ur heart melt with the scene  I have in store for u.. there’s no doubt about it that I will try me level best to pour my heart’s scared emotions out and leave u spellbound…

But let us have a brief look on what this inspirational guru has to coin for us…. Here it goes..

“Just because my neighbor's mother looks more beautiful it does not make  my mother any less.
My neighbor can never be my mother. No matter where u go, an Indian is still an Indian. So go wherever u want to go , live wherever u want to live, but do not forget ur responsibilities towards ur motherland. Need be take care of your neighbor, but don’t forget your mother.
The greatness of  a man is complete only when his contributions to his motherland are greater than what he has consumed from his motherland.”
Now the time has come to propel ur emotional quotient about my nostalgic experience….but dude hold on  for a moment as I want to apologize at the same time for this part of my blog as this emotional framing of words struck my own individual emotional so gigantically that I was bound to plagiarize I few parts of own friends experiences which matches ditto with mine.. but let enjoy reading wat he has to propound on the theory of nostalgia who lingers in the same emotional parameters as mine…. Here it goes..!!

It’s the day to leave. The not-so-awaited day has proved its point. It had warned me of its inevitable nature long before when I headed home some days back. Just that it went unnoticed at that moment as I remained overwhelmed by the joyous thoughts of homecoming. Not just for me, homecoming has always been a subject of profound joy for mankind. Be it for warriors who fought battles without caring for their lives. For men of business who wandered in far-off places for years. For students who assimilated knowledge at gurukuls. Even today homecoming finds apt relevance. We are governed by emotions and these emotions have managed to percolate deep into our genes.  
Fresh are the memories of the day I was to leave for home. Things looked happy as I packed my bags. The songs in my playlist appeared surprisingly wonderful.  Early morning cold shower failed to offer any pain. Anything that easily caused irritation on a usual day somehow gave up its basic sadist instinct. World suddenly looked like a happy place to live in. Journey was fuelled by thoughts of people at home. Drowned in positive anticipations I too felt it. The joy of homecoming!
It’s an altogether different story today. I stand in my balcony observing things my eyes manages to see. Heart certainly wishes to see none.  Overcoming my natural tendency to procrastinate, I’ve packed my bags. Sipping, what should be my last coffee at home, I walk around. The living room, the verandah, the corridors; there are memories attached.  They seem to be embedded in walls and have stories to tell. Not that the world outside home is a prison, it’s just that the pain of leaving home is almost par with the joy of homecoming and it takes a bit from everyone.
It's the time of final hug and kisses as I shoulder my luggage. I turn back after having gone a little far. Heart yearns like a child. A child who feels like home is going away from him. It yearns and insists home to stay. Some more days and I will be done. Some more days with mom, in the kitchen! Some more celebration, just like the one we had. Some more days spent in blanket doing nothing. Some more evening chats with dad. The rebukes, the love, some more of them and I’m done. Some more of everything that can happen only in place called home! It keeps yearning until feet have dragged themselves sufficiently far for eyes to turn back and see anything.
Good bye !! see u soon..!!! J))

Saturday, February 4, 2012


कोई दीवाना कहता है कोई पागल समझता है

मगर धरती की बेचैनी को बस बादल समझता है,

मैं तुझसे दूर कैसा हुँ तू मुझसे दूर कैसी है

ये मेरा दिल समझता है या तेरा दिल समझता है !!!

समुँदर पीर का अंदर है लेकिन रो नहीं सकता

ये आसुँ प्यार का मोती है इसको खो नहीं सकता ,

मेरी चाहत को दुल्हन तू बना लेना मगर सुन ले

जो मेरा हो नहीं पाया वो तेरा हो नहीं सकता !!!

मुहब्बत एक एहसानों की पावन सी कहानी है

कभी कबीरा दीवाना था कभी मीरा दीवानी है,

यहाँ सब लोग कहते है मेरी आँखों में आसूँ हैं

जो तू समझे तो मोती है जो न समझे तो पानी है !!!

भ्रमर कोई कुमुदनी पर मचल बैठा तो हँगामा

हमारे दिल में कोई ख्वाब पला बैठा तो हँगामा,

अभी तक डूब कर सुनते थे हम किस्सा मुहब्बत का

मैं किस्से को हक़ीक़त में बदल बैठा तो हँगामा !!!